Joss Smith (born in Wales, 1993) is a composer, performer and concert producer, based in Copenhagen. Joss is a graduate from the Royal Academy of Music, London as a Bachelor student and Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, Aarhus as a Masters student and Soloist.
Key touchstones of Joss’ compositions include the building of syntactic structures, the revealing of hidden processes, obsessive repetition and the meta-musical elements of the concert situation.
Joss is a founding member of ensemble Current Resonance, where he is a concert organiser, performer, composer and treasurer. He also performs with ensemble K!ART and is treasurer of Ung Nordisk Musik Danmark.
Joss Smith
Jean Baptiste Lully dans l’eglise des Peres Feuillants
Picc, eb clar, pno+midi keys, vln, vcl, conductorDuring the baroque period, it was standard performance practice to conduct using a wooden staff during certain situations. During a performance of Jean- Baptiste Lully's Te Deum at Église des Pères Feuillants in 1687, Lully accidentally injured himself with the staff, leading to his death. In this piece, the conductor conducts with a staff, striking the ground repeatedly. Each strike of the staff is punctuated with percussive outbursts from the ensemble with a great degree of obsession.