UNM 2023



Evelin Felix Lindberg

Evelin Felix Lindberg (b. 1996.09.11) is a sound and new media artist with roots in Västerås, currently based in Oslo. They work with technology and performance, both as tool, reference, and conceptual field of exploration, in the form of an intermedial and exploratory art practice.

Defining, designing, and contextualizing the frameworks and media as much as the parameters and content that takes form within them is paramount in their practice, striving both to unravel reified conditions and reveal the material supports of a work as primary agents within it. Their work deals, among other things, with the contemporary experience of life within technologically mediated environments, a queer societal outlook and the social conditions surrounding the field of electroacoustic music.

No Title (No Filter)

performance work with video

No title (no filter) is a series of pieces for a vocalist, electronics and video, exploring the rendering and commodification of the voice and body in popular media, as well as the distortions of self-expectation arising from both non-realtime editing and instant, automated processing (“filtering”) of performance and image.

The pieces’ music video is featured as a holographic haunting of the live performance, and acts as a definitive reference which the performer must reenact and be held in comparison to, despite their bodily limitations and the inhumanly enhanced nature of their digitally produced likeness.